Tax workers campaign against sackings

September 10, 1997

Tax workers campaign against sackings

By Ben Courtice

MELBOURNE — Members of the Community and Public Sector Union Tax Section have begun rolling stoppages and pickets aimed at pressuring management not to sack staff.

So far pickets have been quite visible, but with only a modest level of support.

Around 50 tax workers in Victoria and NSW are threatened with involuntary redundancy. But CPSU members are also questioning "voluntary" expressions of interest.

A statement from Newcastle members claims that "people have been forced to take a 'voluntary' redundancy" when the organisation has "already lost too many staff".

The statement says, "CPSU members across the nation must remain united in their opposition to staff cuts. In these times of high unemployment we need to remind the whole community of the many real opportunities that exist to recruit staff not sack them!"

Management is opening a new centre in Dandenong to do work that these staff currently do, but the new centre will be staffed by casual employees.

Members First, a network of activists in the Tax Section, has been calling for strike action and drawing in union members in other departments.

Motions of support have been passed at the NSW branch conference, Australian Bureau of Statistics offices in Victoria and NSW and the Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs in Brisbane.

These motions also call on the CPSU national management committee to organise public sector-wide action. Rolling stoppages alone are too weak for this campaign, Members First argues.

It is important that union members across the public service are made aware of the issues. Members should support picket lines, pass solidarity motions and spread the word to prepare for escalation of the campaign. Sacking staff in one department sets a precedent that cannot be ignored.

Messages of support can be sent to the CPSU Tax Section, ph. (03) 9206 2233. To contact Members First, phone Chris Slee on (03) 9285 1902.

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