Time to step forward

October 20, 2004

Sam Watson

Peace, love and solidarity to all. We fought a great fight and we achieved great things; but PM John Howard's forces lied and intimidated the Australian people and they dominated the ballot box on the day.

This nation does not have a heart or soul, Howard and his policies have progressively stripped this land of every last semblance of compassion and humanity. The Australian electorate no longer has a human spirit, in its place it has an American Express credit card and it is in debit — big time!

Now that the dust has settled, it is time for the Socialist Alliance to step forward and work with the forces of the left and refocus and regroup.

I believe that we must call a national day of action and send a clear and unambiguous message to Howard and his capitalist masters, that we are still here and we will continue to fight and we will continue to resist.

The issues that we based our campaign around are still there and we are the only ones who will champion those causes and give voice to the powerless and the oppressed. There is no more time for Sorry Bizness, this is the time for political bizness and Howard and his new government are our primary target — let's get on with it!

Strength and solidarity.

[Proud and defiant, Sam Watson was a Senate candidate for the Socialist Alliance in the October 9 federal election.]

From Green Left Weekly, October 20, 2004.
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