Timorese use social media to express solidarity with Australian spy with a conscience
In an extraordinary and moving act, Timorese people have taken to Facebook to express their solidarity with Witness K, the Australian spy who exposed the bugging by the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) of the Timorese PM's office during critical negotiations over the maritime boundary between these two countries, and his lawyer Bernard Collaery. On July 25, Timorese protestors will march on the Australian embassy in Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste (East Timor). See full story here.
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Collaery'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
'Our solidarity with Witness K & Colleary'
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