Today's tasks: ten-point justice
"Our ten points: a long-range policy for Aborigines" was adopted at the 1938 Day of Mourning and Protest held in Australian Hall, and published in the first edition of the Australian Abo Call newspaper in April 1938.
The January 24, 1998, annual general meeting of the National Aboriginal History and Heritage Council adopted an update of the original 10 points, which were displayed on placards and read out by NAHHC chairperson Jenny Munro during the reenactment, as a response to John Howard's "10-point torture".
1. Aboriginal representatives in control of policy. (1998 plan)
Commonwealth responsibility for Aboriginal affairs. (1938 plan)
2. Aboriginal minister in Commonwealth cabinet.
Commonwealth minister with full cabinet rank.
3. Administrative accountability to Aboriginal communities.
Aboriginal advisory board nominated from the grassroots.
4. Equal access to employment and long life for aged pension.
Full citizen rights and equality without delay.
5. Respect for traditional marriage and kinship in family law.
Free choice in marriage without mission approval.
6. Equality of housing and access to clean water.
Equal access to housing privileges.
7. Recognise sovereign land rights of each Aboriginal nation.
Special settlements for Aborigines to be self-supporting.
8. Genuine elimination of racism with whites training whites.
Genuine Aboriginal protection with Aborigines training Aborigines.
9. Full and free health care available to every child.
Free and equal maternity and child-care.
10. Compensation to overcome genocide and stop oppression.
Freedom from oppression.