HOBART Three hundred people participated in a rally demanding No war on Iraq on September 21. The rally was organised by Peace Coalition, which met for the first time on September 15.
Speakers at the rally included Peter Jones from the Quaker Peace and Justice Committee, Alex Bainbridge from the Socialist Alliance and Labor parliamentarian Duncan Kerr, who spoke representing the United Nations Association of Australia. Kerr argued in favour of the UN Security Council as a vehicle for multilateral action in place of US unilateralism.
Unions Tasmania initiated the Peace Coalition in response to concerns raised by union members. David O'Byrne, vice-president of Unions Tasmania, told Green Left Weekly that unionists feel strongly about this issue because it affects the day-to-day lives of our members, their families and communities, and that what unites members is the desire for a peaceful outcome.
Unions have understood the value of taking collective action and providing a strong united front. We felt that the unions had the organisational skills and the resources to coordinate the coming together of the various peace groups.
From Green Left Weekly, September 25, 2002.
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