Transport organised to Canberra demonstration

February 6, 2002


SYDNEY — The February 12 refugee rights convergence on Canberra has been given a boost by decisions taken in Sydney, Wollongong and Melbourne to organise buses for activists to the protest.

The socialist youth group Resistance is organising buses to depart Sydney at 7.30 am on February 12, and return at 8pm. Resistance can be contacted on (02) 9690 1977.

In Wollongong, the Refugee Action Collective, with financial assistance from the University of Wollongong Student Representative Council, will be organising buses. For more details phone Belinda on 0425 299 217.

The La Trobe Student Representative Council in Melbourne voted on January 31 to pay for buses. For details and bookings, phone Kylie on (03) 9639 8622.

Newcastle Action for Refugee Rights is organising transport. For more information phone Kathy on 0412 388 869.

Rural Australians for Refugees are organising contingents from many different centres. More information is available from <>.

From Green Left Weekly, February 6, 2002.
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