The Truth: Lost at Sea: Film Screening and Q&A with Director

Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


7:00pm Saturday 22 June


Gumbramorra Hall, Addison Rd Community Centre
142 Addison Rd
Marrickville NSW


This is a film fundraiser for Freedom Flotilla Australia

Starting from 5:30pm, come discover and bid on treasures and unique finds at our silent auction. Then from 6pm get a meal from the Gaza Street Kitchen onsite, mingle and chat and then sit down in the Gumbramorra Hall for a 7pm start screening of the award-winning documentary The Truth: Lost at SeaThis will be followed by a Q&A session with director Rifat Audeh, and other Freedom Flotilla Australia activists.

The award-winning documentary, The Truth: Lost at Sea, was written, directed, and produced by, Rifat Audeh, a survivor and witness to the brutal Israeli attack on the 2010 Freedom Flotilla. The film contains never-before-seen footage that was smuggled off the lead ship, the Mavi Marmara, where Israel killed ten human rights activists in international waters.
Rating: MA15+

Ticket prices* are: 

  1. $20 - waged
  2. $15 - unwaged
  3. Free - Palestinians / First Nations / under-13s (please note that the film is rated MA15+)

Please note: Food (from Gaza Street Kitchen) will need to be paid for separately on the night. By doing this you will be supporting a local Palestinian eatery.

100% of ticket price funds will go towards supporting Freedom Flotilla Australia.

This event is being organised by Families for Palestine and is open to all people who are pro-Palestine, regardless of background. 

*Tickets do not include food. 

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