Understanding Venezuela's presidential elections and the debates around it

Conferences & public forums


3:00pm Saturday 28 September


Albion Peace Centre
102 McDonald Rd
Windsor QLD 4030


Guest speaker: Federico Fuentes, former Green Left correspondent based in Caracas and co-author of Latin America's Turbulent Transitions

The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela has been a massive inspiration over the past two decades for people aiming to establish "Socialism of the 21st Century".

However, in recent years, the advances of an earlier period have stalled and the country has faced economic crisis. The latest election resulted in victory for President Maduro against the right wing opposition. However, the national electoral authority (CNE) that conducts the election has failed to release the final results, leading to competing explanations about the result.

This forum will examine what the election results and the debates around them reveal about Venezuelan politics and the state of the Bolivarian Revolution today.

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