"There is no correlation between happiness and money. I believe the richer you get the richer you want to be and the competition to climb up the rich list causes unhappiness." — Stockbroker Rene Rivkin, explaining that his mate, billionaire Kerry Packer, is unhappy because Rupert Murdoch has even more billions than Packer does.
Well trained
"Clear-felling looks ugly to the untrained eye." — Ray Groom, then minister for forests, now Tasmanian premier, in 1987.
Discovery shock
"[T]he Opposition Treasury spokesman, Mr Alexander Downer, said yesterday ... the great risk was that the economic upturn was simply the latest phase in a boom and bust cycle." — Financial Review, March 17.
Antichrist rules
"The triangle on the left is the pyramid of the illuminati/New World Order one-world government. Colours of the ANC about to triumph over South Africa are clearly shown on the left. We are shocked but not surprised that they show the broken cross lying on its side to depict their triumph over Jesus Christ." — AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche on South Africa's new national flag, quoted in the Johannesburg Star, March 18.
Straight and simple
"Clare Emery, leader of the Keep It Straight and Simple (KISS) party — one of the 18 political parties standing in the South African elections — is living up to her party's name. When asked by journalists if there were any black people on her party's candidate list, she replied: 'No, I don't know any blacks'. As an afterthought, she added: 'Well, there's always my garden boy.'" — Weekly Mail and Guardian, March 18.