Unionists active in the climate change movement have drafted the following model motion to help break the silence on the fact that the catastrophic bushfires are connected to climate change.
It also seeks to build support for the February 22 national day of action across Australia, which has been endorsed by community climate groups, faith organisations, unions and others concerned at government inaction.
We, the [union]:
a) Recognise that the severe bushfires afflicting communities, its devastation to lives and houses, along with the hazardous air quality, is all due to climate change and the inaction of government to address it. We therefore:
b) Call for a just transition to 100% public renewable energy by 2030 along with guaranteed jobs for affected workers and communities in the fossil fuel industries; and
c) Reiterate our support for future mobilisations, school strikes and protests for climate action.
We also endorse and support the national day of Climate Action on Saturday February 22 and commit to:
1) Promoting it to our members;
2) Sending a large contingent along with encouraging all our members to join in;
3) Send at least 1 delegate representing the [union] to meetings to organise broader union support for climate action in order to report back and coordinate our union’s involvement in these climate action groups; and
4) Propose to the [union’s] National Executive to establish a climate action committee focused on organising for climate action.