Unionists protest WorkCover changes

March 12, 1997

Unionists protest WorkCover changes

By Michael Bull

MELBOURNE — Ten thousand construction workers marched through Melbourne on March 5, condemning the Kennett government's changes to WorkCover.

Their rally voted to continue a campaign of industrial action against changes which would make it harder for injured workers to receive benefits, and reduce compensation for psychological harm.

Other changes include lump sum payments of more than $5000 being converted to 60 monthly payments, and serious injury defined as impairment to 30% of the body. Speakers explained that according to this calculation, if a person lost their head, which constitutes only 10% of the body, they would not qualify.

The state secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Martin Kingham, moved a call on all other Victorian unions to take united strike action within four weeks in an effort to broaden the campaign. There will also be an industrial campaign of on-site bans and stoppages to force the building bosses to take out further insurance to compensate for the changes.

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