Unionists' refugees' kit launched

August 7, 2002


MELBOURNE — "We are not your enemies" was the message given by temporary protection visa holder Qureshi, at the Trade Unionists for Refugee Rights (TURR) kit launch at the Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) August 1.

Qureshi, a refugee from Kashmir, who spent over six months in Maribyrnong detention centre, told the council that he and other refugees came to Australia to "save our lives".

TURR, established in February, is an initiative of VTHC and the Refugee Action Collective. It has three aims: to mobilise the union movement in support of refugees, to provide information to unions and workers and to join others in the struggle for justice for refugees.

The TURR kit is aimed at rank-and-file union members and includes a "Myths and Facts" booklet, tips on using the media, sample articles for union newsletters and briefing notes for speakers at union meetings. The group also aims to encourage unions to build contingents at local actions and rallies and to invite speakers to visit worksites.

Contact Ellen Kleimaker at VTHC on (03) 9659 3575 for details of TURR meetings.

From Green Left Weekly, August 7, 2002.
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