Actions in solidarity with those protesting in the United States against the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police will be held across Australia this weekend. The protests will also be demanding an end to Black deaths in custody in Australia.
Find details below for a protest to join in your city. If we have missed an event please contact us at editor@greenleft.org.au.
Friday June 5
10.30am, Garema Place
Facebook event
4:30pm Raintree Park, Darwin City
Saturday June 6
12pm, Victoria Square, Adelaide
Organised by Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and Sosblakaustralia SA Action Group
Facebook event
Albany (WA)
1pm, Albany town square
Alice Springs
12pm, Entrance to Yeperenye Shopping Centre
Facebook details
2pm, Camp St
Organised by Ballaarat Allies
Facebook event
Blue Mountains
12pm, Library/Cultural Centre, Katoomba St, Katoomba
Facebook event
1pm, King George Square
Organised by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance
Facebook event
6pm King George Square
Facebook event
Byron Bay
2pm, Byron Bay Recreation Grounds, Tennyson St
Organised by Bunyarra Culture Collective
Event poster
Coffs Harbour
10am, Wongala Estate
Organised by Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Social Events Committee
Facebook event
3.30pm, Parliament Lawns Hobart
Organised by Strong Blak Tasmania and NAYRI NIARA Good Spirit Festival
Facebook event
4pm, Princess Square
Organised by Strong Blak Tasmania
Facebook event
2pm, Parliament House
Organised by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance
Facebook event
2pm, Pacific Park
Organised by Fighting in Solidarity Towards Treaties
Facebook event
3pm, Sydney Town Hall
Organised by Indigenous Social Justice Association, Anticolonial Asian Alliance and USYD Autonomous Collective Against Racism
Facebook event
Wagga Wagga
10 AM, Bolton Park
Facebook details
Sunday June 7
3pm, Fogarty Park, Esplanade
Facebook event
2pm, Crown St Mall Amphitheatre,
Organised by NUS Against Racism
Facebook event
[Green Left is hosting an online forum on June 7, 12-2pm AEST on the topic 'Black Lives Matter & mass revolt in the United States' featuring Malik Miah, a long-time Black rights and revolutionary socialist activist and contributing editor with US socialist magazine Against the Current. Join the meeting via the Zoom link here or watch a livestream on the GL Facebook page.]