UNITED STATES: Cindy Sheehan: 'troops out now!'

August 24, 2005

Kerryn Smith

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq last year, told a conference call on August 16 that a gradual withdrawal of US troops was "not soon enough".

According to the August 17 Los Angeles Times, Sheehan urged an immediate return of all US troops.

"We're not going to stop there, either", Sheehan said. "We are going to join forces and we are going to just transform this country from a country that always supports war and killing to a country that is at peace."

Sheehan has launched a campaign to confront US President George Bush. She established "Camp Casey" (named after her late son) outside Bush's ranch near Crawford, Texas. In an August 13 interview on Salon.com, Sheehan said she wants to the ask the president: "'What noble cause did my son die for? And if he says that it was to get rid of Saddam or liberate the Iraqi people, I'm not going to buy it."

From Green Left Weekly, August 24, 2005.
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