United States:‭ ‬Fracking chemical traces found in drinking water

May 24, 2015

Traces of chemicals commonly used for fracking were found in‭ ‬the‭ ‬drinking‭ ‬water‭ ‬supply of three homes in Bradford County in the US state of Pennsylvania,‭ ‬a study revealed on May‭ ‬18.‭

The investigation,‭ ‬which appeared in scientific‭ ‬journal‭ ‬‬Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences‭<‬/i‭>‬,‭ ‬proved the long-held worry of damaging underground drinking water sources from the method of extracting gases known as hydraulic fracturing.‭ ‬The report explicitly links the practice with the affected water systems.‭

“This is the first case published with a complete story showing organic compounds attributed to shale gas development found in a homeowner‭’‬s well,‭”‬ said Susan Brantley,‭ ‬one of the study‭’‬s authors and a geoscientist from Pennsylvania State University.‭

[Abridged from TeleSUR English.‭] ‬

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