On September 28, Tariq Khan, a sociology student who served four years in the US Air Force, was beaten and brutalised by right-wing students and campus police for staging a peaceful protest at a military recruitment table at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Khan had a paper sign taped to his shirt that read, "Recruiters lie, don't be deceived", which provoked a verbal argument with some fellow students. One (a former Marine) ripped the sign from Kahn's shirt and threw it in the bin. A staff member called campus security and a police officer arrived, demanding to see Khan's student ID. Kahn replied that he wasn't carrying it, and tried to walk away, at which point the police officer attempted to arrest him, and according to Kahn then turned violent. A number of students cheered on the police officers who were attacking him, and one of the students who had earlier harassed Khan joined the police in forcing him to the ground. For more information visit <http://lefthook.org/Ground/Alam100505.html>.
From Green Left Weekly, October 12, 2005.
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