A blog of those that support the Occupy Wall Street protests, that began in New York in September and have since spread to hundreds of US cities, hosts a series of personal testimonies from ordinary people across the United States. It indicates the source of the deep anger at the corporate elite that have become rich off their suffering. A selection are published below.
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-- “I work for children with disabilties. I owe $20,000 in loans. I will pay it back in 12 years. I will probably never retire unless things change. If I ever get sick or injured, I will lose my job and then my house. I want my daughter to feel safe choosing a life of giving and service. I don’t feel safe. I am the 99 percent.”
-- “My parents were told they might have to choose between buying me a second knee surgery or four years at my dream college…and the insurance company still hasn’t let us know. I am the 99%.”
-- “947+ days unemployed; 2,000+ resumes sent; 0 job prospects.”
-- “I’m a full time grad student and a full time worker. I have chronic, excruciating migraines. I live in fear of the next attack. I can barely cover rent, gas and groceries. I can’t afford a doctor’s visit, let alone health insurance. My boss refuses to purchase an employee plan because he doesn’t want us to abuse the 'privilege' of health care ... The health care I need to fight my migraines wouldn’t cost $100 per month, but I can’t afford it without giving up food or shelter. I don’t want to be rich. I don’t want a big house or a prestigious job ... I just want to go through a week without debilitating pain ... I am the 99%.”
-- “I paid for college by serving in the USMC infantry, oppressing the impoverished majority in Central America and the Philippines. I don’t have student loan debts, but I have to live with what I did. I’m not sure which is worse. We can bring down the Wall Street barons and their accomplices in the House, Senate, and White House, but we need to act together for the common good.”
-- “As a young man I served honorably in the Navy. In the 40 years since, I have been a teacher. Now I am retired. Wealth was never a priority ― I did expect a decent retirement income and health care and I believe I saved for it with deductions from every payroll check. I raised three children. Now, I live in an apartment with my working daughter and grandson. My retirement doesn’t always cover all of my share of the monthly bills. I want decent paying jobs for my daughter and the youngsters I educated ... And I am sick of providing welfare to multinationals and being forced to pay for insurance that doesn’t insure, food that doesn’t nourish and taxes that support arms, oil and drug cartels. I am sick of politicians loyal to Wall Street. I am part of the 99%.”
-- “In three hours, my CEO makes more than I do in A YEAR. I am the 99%. You are the 99%. We are the 99%.”