BRISBANE— Unions at the University of Queensland (UQ) held a rally and barbeque on St Lucia campus on May 27 as part of their campaign for a new collective agreement.
The previous UQ agreement, covering terms and conditions of employment for staff, expired in mid-2008. It has been nearly a year since the unions representing staff at UQ — the National Tertiary Education Union, Australian Services Union, Community and Public Sector Union, Electrical Trades Union and Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union — served a log of claims on university management.
"UQ is in a strong financial position, thanks to your efforts, but management have stalled while continuing to enjoy the benefits of outdated Howard-era conditions", a joint union leaflet said.
"Staff are asking for: fairer workloads; better job security; and improved wages. Unions at UQ are fighting for your rights at work. Join the fight."
Members plan to step up the campaign, to seek a satisfactory settlement.