Reminding us once again why the Venezuela revolution has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world, Venezuela's foreign minister last week responded to Israel's decision to expel the Venezuelan ambassador by declaring: "The response of the state of Israel is weak, late, and in any case for us it's an honor. We're proud that the state of Israel that exists today, led by these criminals, made this decision."
Such a dignified position is just part of the reason why Green Left Weekly is proud to congratulate President Hugo Chavez on his 10-year anniversary as president.
A revolutionary soldier who emerged from the ranks of the army to become a national hero after leading a military rebellion against a corrupt, neoliberal government in 1992, Chavez was first sworn in as president on February 2, 1999 after winning a historic 56.2% of the vote.
Since then the Venezuelan government, together with the people, has waged a determined battle to lift their country out of poverty and give power to the people. Poverty has been halved and free education and health care granted to millions.
In response, they have had to confront fierce resistance by the US empire and its local lackeys, who have organised coups, economic sabotage and continuously funded opposition election campaigns.
The Venezuela people have come out each time and defeated these counterrevolutionary forces.
Today, having opening declared their intentions to move towards socialism, the Venezuelan revolution provides inspiration and proof that a better world is possible.
For that, we salute the Bolivarian revolution and pledge to continue building solidarity with this revolution.
GLW staff were among Venezuela supporters who joined Nelson Davila, Venezuelan charge d'affairs in Australia, to celebrate the anniversary at the Sydney Resistance Centre on February 1.