Lara Pullin
On October 12, most countries in Latin America will celebrate Dia de la Raza, or Colombus Day, which in 1492 marked the beginning of the Spanish empire's destruction of millions of years of the continent's indigenous history in just a few decades. Yet in Venezuela, the day is now commemorated as the Day of Indigenous Resistance, and to participate in public discussion about the impact of colonialism on indigenous communities and what can be done to redress this.
President Hugo Chavez, leader of Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution, is himself a proud descendent of mixed indigenous and African cultural heritage, con un pocito de blanco. There are 36 distinct indigenous cultures in Venezuela, all of whom have been participating in the Guaicaipuro Mission, launched by Chavez just under two years ago. Chief Guaicaipuro, leader of the Caracas and Teques people, fought off the first Spanish coloniser-settlers for a decade in the 1560s, and eventually preferred death to conceding his territories.
According to the national census, Venezuela has about 500,000 identified indigenous people, many living in 2300 distinct autonomous communities. While there have been many gains made over the past six years, perhaps the most significant occurred on August 9 this year, when on ancestral lands in Santa Rosa de Tacata, Anzoategui, Chavez issued formal land titles over traditional lands to representatives of the Karina peoples.
Noheli Pocaterra, indigenous activist and member of the Pesidential Commission Guaicaipuro, said at the ceremony: "Simon Bolivar, the first liberator, gave back the lands, the best lands, to the original inhabitants. But President Chavez is the first president to ever do this to dispossessed Indigenous." According to Pocaterra, recognition of ancestral lands was a precondition for advancing the missions with indigenous communities. "For the first time in Venezuela there is justice for our people. These lands have a great magic and spiritual feeling for our indigenous peoples, land is life for us."
Venezuela's Bolivarian constitution devotes its entire eighth chapter to indigenous rights, outlining land rights and the state's obligation to promote indigenous cultural values and to consult with communities regarding activities such as mining and development. There is a guaranteed presence of three indigenous members in the National Assembly and one state governor. There are also indigenous deputies in state parliaments and in the ministries, such as the National Youth Institute. The Bolivarian state also recognises traditional medicine and complementary treatments, and protects collective property, knowledge and technologies.
When handing over the land titles, Chavez also announced a US$130 million assistance package, which according to Pocaterra, will go a long way towards increasing economic productivity (mostly food production), leading to self-sufficiency in Venezuela. "The revolution has arrived for us. Now it's not just words, it's concrete actions. And now our first people's rights are acknowledged — not the rights of the coloniser. Indigenous people can truly participate."
From Green Left Weekly, October 12, 2005.
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