Victorian auditor-general under threat

September 10, 1997

Victorian auditor-general under threat

By Bronwen Beechey

MELBOURNE — A public meeting on August 25 at Eastern TAFE's Wantirna campus was one of several across Victoria to protest against the state government's proposed changes to the office of the auditor-general.

Dianne Stubbs from Knoxfield and Sheila Wimalaratna from Rowville organised the meeting along with Liberty (formerly Victorian Council of Civil Liberties).

"We feel that the proposals to amend the Audit Act are a serious threat to the future of democratic institutions in Victoria", Stubbs told Green Left. "The meeting allowed other concerned residents to participate in the campaign and voice their opinions to the local Liberal member."

The changes would mean that the bulk of the auditor-general's staff would be shifted to work in an organisation, Audit Victoria, directly under the control of the government.

Opponents see this as an attempt to prevent any financial mismanagement or inefficiency from being made public, and to remove any accountability.

The government appointed review team that made the proposals acknowledged that the existing system, and current Auditor-General Ches Baragwanath, have served Victoria well. It also admitted that the changes may cost the public more.

Speakers at the meeting included Joseph O'Reilly from Liberty, Ian Petti from the Law Institute of Victoria, Labor MP Carlo Carli, John McLaren from the Australian Democrats and Liberal MP Steve Macarthur, who defended the government's position.

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