Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle

3:30pm Sunday 13 June
Perth Children's Hospital
15 Hospital Avenue
Nedlands WA 6009
Three year old Tharnicaa has been medically evacuated to Perth Children's hospital with a suspected blood infection. She has been detained on Christmas Island with her five year old sister Kopika and parents, Priya and Nades since August 2019. Tharnicaa is turning four in hospital on Saturday, making her the youngest person in Australia's immigration detention. She has now spent 80% of her life in detention.
It took 10 days of illness and repeated requests from her Mum Priya to be sent to Perth Children's hospital. Despite symptoms of vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness and temperature sometimes exceeding 40 degrees, she was initially only given painkillers.
This cruelty must end. Please join this vigil on Sunday to support Tharnicaa, thank the healthcare workers at Perth Children’s hospital for providing professional, compassionate medical care and call for Tharnicaa’s family to be freed and re-united.
We call on the government to re-unite Tharnicaa and her mum Priya with her sister Kopika and Dad Nades and allow them to return to their home in Biloela, Queensland.