Voluntary student unionism in Qld

February 11, 1998

Voluntary student unionism in Qld

By Zanny Begg

BRISBANE — At the recent Young Liberals' conference in Noosa, Queensland, deputy premier Joan Sheldon announced that the state Liberal Party would introduce voluntary student unionism legislation this year.

Sheldon argued that compulsory student unionism "funded the ALP election campaigns" and that it is "illogical" to make students pay. She said a mandatory fee would remain to provide services such as canteens and sporting facilities, but the political side of student unions would be outlawed.

The state Liberals' anti-student unionism legislation fits within the same agenda as their federal counterparts' moves against the maritime union. The Liberals want to destroy workers' and students' ability to fight government attacks.

The drive against student unions comes at a crucial time for the campaign to defend public education in Queensland. The federal government attacks on higher education in the last budget are now being felt. All major Queensland campuses are expected to announce up-front fees for Australian undergraduates this year, and student unions are fighting staff cuts at the University of Queensland, post-graduate fees at Griffith University and internet charges at the Queensland University of Technology.

The National Union of Students will be coordinating a campaign to defend compulsory student unionism.

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