WA gives go ahead for uranium mining

November 22, 2008

The Liberal Party government of Western Australia announced on November 18 that it has lifted the state's ban on uranium mining.

Premier Colin Barnett told the media, according to AFP, "It is now open to the mining industry in this state, if they so wish to proceed with plans to develop the uranium industry". The decision overturns a ban on uranium mining and exports that was enforced by the previous Labor government.

Federal Labor environment minister and former anti-uranium activist Peter Garrett indicated that he will take no action to overturn the WA government's position. "We knew that Western Australia had a policy for opening up its uranium mining — that's a decision that the West Australian government has taken", he told the Australian on November 18.

In a statement posted on the Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA blogsite, spokesperson Jo Vallentine condemned the WA government's decision. "People of Western Australia will not allow this mining to occur. The Government will face enormous community resistance to this backward-thinking policy. We say to the Government 'Wrong Way — Go Back'", she said.

Vallentine refuted the often repeated nuclear industry claim that nuclear power is a solution to global warming. "Nuclear power is not part of the solution to climate change — nine out of 10 phases of nuclear production result in substantial greenhouse emissions", she said. Uranium mining also puts the health of mine workers at serious risk and results in "gross water usage", she added.

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