ADELAIDE — Around 2000 people attended a November 30 anti-war protest, representing a broad cross-section of Australians. Contingents had been organised by Quakers, the Greens, the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, and the Socialist Alliance, among others.
Reverend Lee Levitt-Olssen from the Uniting Church gave a rousing speech condemning the drive to war. The state ALP member for Mitchell, Kris Hanna, condemned US imperialism and called on all to join the campaign against Australian involvement in the war. Lisa Lines spoke for the Refugee Action Collective. She said: "This war, like all wars, was started by the rich for the benefit of the rich, but it is the world's poor who will suffer."
Statements of support for the rally were read out from the Greens, the Democrats, the Socialist Alliance and the Romero Catholic community.
From Green Left Weekly, December 4, 2002.
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