The warm inner glow
em = By Denis Kevans
I've worked at Lucas Heights for years,
Though tell me any want to know,
And when I leave, I'll take with me
A permanent warm inner glow.
And politicians scoffed their best
At people standing in a row,
With nuclear placards in the night:
"How great the warm inner glow".
At Maralinga, as the sun
Aroused the birds to say "Hello!",
Shy politicians, far away,
Watched soldiers get an inner glow.
And Titterton, who said the blacks
Would not be hurt at all, oh no!
Just laughed when, blind and maggoty,
The blacks displayed the inner glow.
Today I finished with my job
At Lucas Heights, and when I go,
I'll take with me my bonus pay,
A personal warm inner glow.
But, if the smug and satisfied
Were made to face what we all know,
And given life, as we got life,
How sweet would be the inner glow!