March 23
1919: 13 people are jailed in Brisbane under the War Precautions Act, for flying the Red Flag.
March 24
1894: Strike leaders from Barcaldine and Clermont in Queensland languish in jail after they are arrested by troops.
1976: Workers occupy the Cocoa-Cola factory in Guatemala City.
1999: NATO begins bombing Serbia.
March 25
1911: Triangle Shirtwaist fire kills 147 workers locked in by their New York City boss.
March 28
1871: The Paris Commune is suppressed.
1983: 96% of Argentine workers strike against the military junta.
March 29
1916: In Sydney, IWW editor Tom Barker is sentenced to 12 months' hard labour for publishing an anti-war cartoon.
April 1
1897: Aboriginal resistance leader Jandamurra is killed, ending a 6-month rebellion in the Kimberleys.
April 3
1917: Following the February Revolution, Lenin returns to Russia from exile.
1948: US military aids in the Cheju Massacre of 30,000 civilians in Korea.
April 4
1968: Martin Luther King is assassinated.
From Green Left Weekly, March 23, 2005.
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