The week that was

January 22, 1992

By Kevin Healy

There's a seditious push by the socialists who have destroyed this country to go on destroying it, in the hope that workers will become disillusioned with capitalism and overthrow it. You've got to give a deal of grudging credit to those rabid socialists Don't Be a'Wally and Joan and Brian Hoo and the others who have set this up.

We all know Don't Be a'Wally and Joan are co-plotters in the socialist conspiracy, yet the wonderful, innocent leaders of industry whom we all admire are like putty in the hands of these atheistic, emotional automatons. Did Joannie Learner walk out of her meeting with the world's greatest worst former treasurer Paul, with her co-conspirator Don't Be a'Wally ... no sir, no madam, she walked out, all smiles and cuddly with none other than that great national hero ... well slightly tarnished hero, John Sellingitsmellingit, who has been selling a lot more lately as his portfolios start smelling a bit more.

Even John Sellingitsmellingit has fallen for the socialist lies. He says good things, like "cut government spending on unnecessary things", "cut crippling business taxes", "increase government spending on good things like grants and subsidies to business", "provide any wage increases through tax cuts to workers and cut basic services more", "reduce wages, cut conditions, employ fewer workers so we can attack unemployment", "turn public infrastructure over to the private sector, but give us the money to do it from the public purse, and only build those infrastructures which will assist business and industry".

And what do the guileful socialists do? They agree with all that. They know from past experience, like the last decade or two or three, that all that doesn't work. They know the economy will get worse. They know workers will become even more disillusioned. Reader, we must write to the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Manufactures and the Committee for Melbourne, and all those other respectable groups trying to help us all, and warn them. Remind them what wonderful benefits capitalism has brought the former Soviet Union and the rest of eastern Europe.

And just before you go for your morning swim in the Yarra or Port Phillip Bay comforted by the latest figures showing pollution only a trillion time the allowable levels, one final point: that English company accused of exporting all those instruments of torture and execution to right-wing dictatorships. Apparently they've been told to stop. Does that mean her most gracious majesty's visit has been cancelled?

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