Lalitha Chelliah
We can spend many hours discussing the atrocities that have taken place and are taking place in Iraq. The USA, after a Clayton's hand-over, will continue to exert its power in Iraq — no-one doubts that, especially the USA.
The Iraqi resistance will continue for as long as it can and wants to. They are doing it by themselves, for themselves. After all, the USA is yet to defeat the Palestinians after five decades.
What does this mean for Australia? What does this mean for you and us?
The Socialist Alliance has these things to say:
* Bring the troops home yesterday. They should never have gone in the first place.
* Mr Howard, stop spending $43 million per day on war and destruction.
* We want Australia to spend $43 million per day on free healthcare, free education, and proper housing to eliminate homelessness.
* Mr Howard, you have launched a small, pre-election campaign against domestic violence — when are you going to stop international violence? What is the model you advocate?
When, Mr Prime Minister, will you demonstrate that differences should be resolved peacefully without violence — without violating the human rights of the thousands of Iraqis you have our troops help kill?
Mr Latham, you too support the war. You too support massive spending and investment in destruction — when will you stop?
They talk about terrorists — then they steal East Timor's oil. Terrorists? They create terrorists!
We in the Socialist Alliance do not just blame the Howard government. We blame the system that supports the killing of millions of people, starting from World War I. This system is believed in and supported by most of the political parties in Australia.
The Socialist Alliance will fight for a system that values lives.
A system that values investing in education, values investing in preventing ill health, values its young people, respects citizens, and listens to ordinary people and their needs. A system that respects human rights for all, not just for the rich, or those of rich nations.
The Socialist Alliance wants you. Not just to get rid of the Howard government, but to send the other parties a very stern message, by voting Socialist Alliance.
[Lalitha Chelliah is the Socialist Alliance's lead Senate candidate in Victoria.]
From Green Left Weekly, July 7, 2004.
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