Between 300 and 400 anti-racist activists faced off against racist and Islamophobic "Reclaim Australia" demonstrators in Perth on July 19. This was part of a national weekend of counter-rallies against those called by the far right group “Reclaim Australia”.
This rally saw an increase in anti-racist numbers and a possible decline in Reclaim numbers. It was addressed by a range of union and community activists condemning Reclaim's racist and divisive agenda. These included Linda Goncalves from the Civil Service Association and Ian Jamieson from the Maritime Union of Australia. Marziya Mohammedali spoke as a Muslim Activist and Mick Sutor spoke as a representative of the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee.
A rally to stop the forced closure of Aboriginal communities was held in Sydney on June 28.
SOSBlakAustralia held the third round of international actions against Aboriginal community closures. This video documents the rally, which marched to The Block in Redfern to highlight the land grab going on in that suburb.
Video: Just Another Land Grab: Business as Usual. Green Left.