The Kurdish struggle – An interview with Dilar Dirik
In a wide-ranging interview conducted by George Souvlis, Kurdish activist Dilar Dirik discusses the role of women in the Kurdish struggle, the Rojava revolution unfolding in northern Syria and the rise of the Kurdish-led People’s Democratic Party in Turkey.
Dirik argues that “the people of Rojava decided to say no to the nation-state system and rejected the two options that were given to the people in Syria by the system (the status quo embodied by Assad’s dictatorship or a regime change with an increasingly foreign determined or jihadist character) and decided to fight for the ‘third way’.”
1917: The View from the Streets
A number of new translations have appeared in the “1917: The View from the Streets – Leaflets of the Russian Revolution” series being co-ordinated by US historian Barbara Allen and Canadian socialist and Links collaborator John Riddell.
Among the latest leaflets to be published are: “Women’s Day in Russia 1917: A day to prepare for victory”, “For a general strike against autocracy” (see below) and “Soldiers, take power into your own hands”, all leaflets issued by the Social Democratic Interdistrict Committee (Mezhrayonka) during the Russian February Revolution.
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