Act Now to End War and Racism — ANSWER held a rally on February 2 to demand "Declare war on unemployment, poverty and mass layoffs not on the people of Afghanistan" and "Money for jobs, education and health care not war in Afghanistan". Visit <>.
AFL-CIO — The United States' peak trade union federation organised an indoor Working Families Economic Forum for January 31, followed by march to protest the use of sweatshop labour by the GAP fashion chain. Visit <>.
Amnesty International — The world's best known human rights organisation participated in the WEF. AI said it "engaging in discussions on security and human rights, minorities rights and the responsibility of corporations towards human rights". Visit <>.
Another World is Possible — This coalition organised a permitted rally and march on February 2. It also organised the alternative New York Social Forum. Visit <>.
Anti-Capitalist Convergence — An anarchist network originally formed in Washington DC. The New York regional chapter of the ACC was formed in December to mobilise "anti-authoritarians" for the WEF convergence. Visit <>.
Greenpeace — Has previously participated in WEF meetings, however this year it pulled out after being denied a place on a panel to discuss the automotive industry. In a letter to the WEF president, Greenpeace executive director Gerd Leipold wrote, "In 2000 and 2001, Greenpeace did put a lot of energy and resources to contribute in a constructive manner [in the Davos WEF meetings] ... [Greenpeace was] grateful for the opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the WEF in New York this year, and to be a speaker in some of the panel discussions ... [but] dialogue is useful only if both parties are afforded the same opportunities". Visit <>.
NYC Indymedia — Provided extensive coverage of the protests and their aftermath. Visit <>.
Public Eye on Davos — This is a four-day counter-summit organised by the Berne Declaration. Participants included Amnesty International, Corpwatch, Greenpeace, Jubilee USA and the Third World Network. Visit <>.
Students for Global Justice — A coalition of college and university students which held a two-day "counter-summit" and participated in the permitted "Rally for Global Justice", sponsored by the AFL-CIO and the New York City Central Labor Council. SGJ also organised a "Festival of Organized Resistance" with the Another World is Possible coalition. Visit <>.
From Green Left Weekly, February 6, 2002.
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