Why I joined Resistance

November 18, 1998


Why I joined Resistance

By Branny Schembri

Unlike a lot of people who think they can't make a difference, I knew with a little effort I could. Before joining Resistance, I was incredibly lethargic and did nothing. I wouldn't even go to school. My day would consist of sitting around listening to music — very productive! I knew I had to change.

My first impression of Resistance was one of shock. I could not believe how friendly the people were and the amazing things they did.

Not only are there the full-on rallies to take part in, there are the stalls, Green Left Weekly and Resistance magazine sales, camps, petitions and social functions, and there was also plenty of scope to learn.

If you're like myself and don't know a terrible lot about politics, do not be deterred. At Resistance there are Introduction to Socialism and Marxism classes, plus other meetings dealing with the pressing issues.

Racism, sexism, uranium mining, homophobia and environmental bandits — together we'll fight them all. "When injustice becomes law, Resistance becomes duty!" So, if you're under 26 and are wondering what you can do about it, join Resistance and you'll never look back.


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