Wollombi Folk Festival

August 21, 1996

A fantastic line-up of artists with a diversity of talent will make this year's Wollombi Folk Festival "the best yet", organisers say. Some 100 artists will be performing over the weekend of August 30-September 1 in the scenic village of Wollombi, south of Cessnock in NSW.

Koori artist Kev Carmody and personalities including Blue the Shearer and a host of other artists will present music, dance, poetry and story-telling from all over the world. Saturday night will be a highlight with the presentation of "The Event" — a celebration of the passing of winter and the coming of spring.

The cost is just $27 (if you pre-book). Accommodation is available nearby, as are camping facilities. For more information on tickets, transport and accommodation phone Brent or Lisa on (049) 584 033.

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