Women's Day Art Exhibition: Women, Myth and Mystery

Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:30pm Friday 08 March to 4:00pm Sunday 10 March


Atlas Community & Cultural Centre
96 Illawarra Rd
Marrickville NSW 2204


Woman, Myth and Mystery is an art project that explores how different myths have influenced and shaped the identity of women throughout history.

Through photographs, paintings, sculptures and music, a group of artists from diverse cultural backgrounds will inspire the audience and ignite a conversation about how society, across different cultures, imposes identity constructs.

These are questions that affect the broader society, irrespective of gender and sexual identity. Are we conscious of these imposed and limiting cultural conventions? Are we prepared to break them? Where does the mystery of our true identity lie?

Join us for light refreshments and the opportunity to meet our artists, on the Opening Night, FRIDAY 8th of March at 18:30 Before the exhibition.

Special Performance: Opening Night, singer - Alexandra Trostel.

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