Woodchippers demand more rainforest

June 3, 1992

Woodchippers demand more rainforest

MADANG — The only clearfell woodchip operation of tropical rainforest in the world, here in Madang province, is set to expand according to Glen Barry. Barry is the landowner awareness officer of the Wau Ecology Institute.

JANT Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of the giant Japanese multinational Honshu Paper, wants to expand into nearly 10,000 additional hectares of virgin tropical rainforest to produce cardboard boxes.

JANT's present program of destruction of 72,000 hectares was permitted prior to PNG's independence in 1975 by the Australian colonial administration.

Barry said JANT has "deliberately failed to establish sufficient plantations to maintain its operations. JANT is pursuing the cheaper option of applying for further tropical rainforest to clearfell and chip."

Landowners from areas in the new concession met on May 15 to discuss the company's plans. Barry said the landowners "expressed dismay that the deal was almost ready for signing, but only at this late date have the landowners been consulted.

"The landowners had no knowledge of royalty levels, environmental effects of clearcutting tropical forests or other conditions of the contract. The landowners have said that they will not allow the company to log their land. Despite strong landowner resistance, the Madang provincial government continues the approval process for JANT's new concession."

The proposed clearfell area is immediately inland from pristine coral reefs attracting thousands of tourists a year. "The reefs in the Gogol River mouth, near JANT's present operations, have been severely damaged by siltation from upstream erosion. JANT's environmental plan does nothing to address this and many other issues", Barry explained.

"This area of forest has much greater long-term potential if left as natural forests, and village-based ecoforestry or guest houses are developed as an alternative."

Those interested in joining the campaign to save PNG's rainforests can contact James Jogamup or Glen Barry at the Wau Ecology Institute on 0011 675 823752 or Rich Gregory of the Sydney Rainforest Action Group on 02 698 8283.

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