TWS exclusive?
On February 17 a small demonstration against woodchipping was organised in Wollongong by The Wilderness Society (TWS). The demonstration was a positive step for the environment movement in Wollongong, but sadly the organiser of the demonstration, Will Douglas, attempted to stop the sale of Green Left Weekly and Socialist Worker to participants.
Douglas argued that because he organised demonstration he had a right to determine what material could be distributed. He also said that the demonstration was not political and therefore political newspapers were not appropriate.
To add insult to injury, towards the end of the demonstration Douglas handed out leaflets advocating a vote for the Greens in the NSW elections. Douglas recently resigned as Wollongong TWS convener to run as the Greens candidate for the seat of Wollongong.
A number of TWS activists were dissatisfied with Douglas's approach to Green Left, and the issue was raised at a lunchtime meeting of TWS on February 17. There Douglas said his actions were justified because TWS "had trouble" with GLW in the past, that the paper would be bad for the media image of TWS, and repeated that the demonstration was not political — yet he consciously handed out "vote Green" leaflets!
Far from being "apolitical", Wollongong TWS seems to be exclusively supporting the Greens in the NSW elections. Over half of TWS's February newsletter is devoted to Greens promotion. Has TWS decided to become exclusively partisan on environmental matters or is it a case of individuals taking advantage of their position in TWS?
Sean Moysey
Wollongong NSW
Animal liberation
The World According to Neville Spencer — GLW 177. "Animal rights are not equal to Human rights". What about Woman's rights and Aboriginal rights — what aren't they equal to Neville.
Such stunted views belong to the redneck right; and Neville, Animal Liberation is not about Amoebas or Sponges or squatting flies — it's about people who care and do something about the obscene torture, killings and maiming of animals.
Robert Wood
Surry Hills NSW
Let's have Political Correctness. The very same Green Left Weekly ignores a balance of nature. I have never seen a bird without a right and left wing. And I value my right arm equally to my left. Blood has been spilt equally in the name of the "left" as of the "right". "Socialism" is another word without proper definition. It is a word used to describe the actions of "socialists" without differentiating pacifism from militancy, solidarity from aggression. Let's not use words to divide us. Open our eyes and seek only peaceful social change, and devote ourselves to "Ahimsa", non-harming in the tradition of Buddha and the way of Gandhi.
Daniel Taylor
Blackheath NSW
Kath Gelber (... and ain't i a woman, 15.2.95) easily makes mincemeat of those who believe that there is a "causal connection" between rape and violent pornography, and who think that consumption of the pornographic product "triggers" sexual violence and who therefore demand censorship. In reality, people who believe in such rigid links are few and far between; to refute them is almost a red herring.
Conversely, when Kath cites research by two psychiatrists to support her thesis that "pornography does not cause violence". I assume, in fairness to the researchers, that they, too, didn't look for a "causal connection" as the outcome would be a foregone conclusion; after all, we can't even prove a causal connection between smoking and lung disease.
While Kath tells us what does not cause sexual violence, she — understandably — fails to tell us what does. She also does not address the sexual violence which goes into the manufacture of much of the product, attested to by Linda Lovelace and others. Perhaps there is some research which "proves" what macho men have always known, that "deep down" these women actually enjoyed their experiences.
No-one would quibble with the idea that we need to change the climate of society towards women's equality to combat sexual violence. However, many of us feel that while the denigration of women in advertisements and violent videos may be the result of this climate of subjection, it is also a powerful means for its perpetuation.
No, we don't want to outlaw the products of the porn industry. It wouldn't work. But there ought to be some way of taking the profits out of the manufacture of sexual violence depiction, which would lead to its natural demise. By the way, the term "censorship" should only be applied to works of art and books, not mass-produced commercial products which are, unless ever-increasing degrees of violence are interpreted as creativity, totally devoid of innovative merit.
Gerry Harant
Blackburn Vic
WA forest rally
On behalf of the "Rally to Keep Our Forests" Media Committee I would like to thank you for the support you gave in making the rally and march on February 19 such a success. Up to 10,000 people turned up in 40 degree heat to show their concern about the woodchipping of our unique old growth forests. This was a brilliant achievement.
In particular we would like to thank and congratulate Green Left Weekly for the two front covers that related to the issue directly, and for the support of your membership at the rally itself. The support and information that your magazine raised was of immense value and continues to be greatly appreciated.
Jim Scott MLC
Fremantle WA