Yidaki Magarran - Original Vibrations

Actions, protests & rallies
Arts, culture & social functions


12:00pm Sunday 01 September


King George Square
Adelaide St
Brisbane QLD 4000


The current world record for the largest Yidaki/Didgeridoo ensemble is 238, held by the UK at the Didge Fest in Devon, which was set in 2006.

We need to bring the record home!

Join Wangan and Jagalingou Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodians for a "flash mob" style record attempt bringing hundreds of Yidaki/Didgeridoos together in King George Square.

How it will work:

This event is open to anyone to come and participate!

However, out of respect to cultural sensitivities around the Yidaki/Didgeridoo being seen as a male ceremonial instrument in many tribal nations - we ask that males only play the Yidaki/Didgeridoo for this event.

Everybody who want to join us will be invited to play the clapsticks during the ceremony as well - we’re also going to try and break the record for the largest clapstick ensemble. BYO Yidaki/Clapsticks or try your luck and purchase one on the day. All mob are invited to bring their crafts to sell.

This event is part of a week long celebration of three years of Waddananggu - a reoccupation of our tribal homelands in central Queensland.

Sound changes the patterns of water. Our sounds together will sing out to Country that we are here to protect it.

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