February 28, 1996
Young people speak out
ADELAIDE — Members of the socialist youth organisation Resistance took over part of Rundle mall to hold a speak out on February 16. The action was part of Resistance's campaign in support of the Democratic Socialists and a way of giving young people, who cannot vote but who will be affected by the election result, a chance to express their opinions about jobs, unemployment, expensive education, and young people's rights. Below are "just a few words" from Resistance member ANTHONY THIRLWALL, a young worker employed by the Electricity Trust of SA. Just a few words: Because they help me understand the insanity of this realityJust a few words: Because as a young worker, I sometimes still see a future bleak just like eighteen months ago
Just a few words: Because 18 months ago, I was 18 months unemployed and you called me a dole bludger. Useless! And sometimes I believed you
Just a few words: Because I'm working now and sometimes I enjoy it but our work has been taken contractors
Just a few words: Because I now work like you, I have a little more money, a lot less time. I sometimes think I've been taken for a ride
Just a few words: Because work takes so much of my time. It's not so much the work that gets me down, it's the amount of time that I am working
Just a few words: Because if we reduced the working week to 30 hours work, 40 hours pay, we could reduce unemployment give us all time to play.
Just a few words: Because the bosses are setting the agenda. It's hard to speak these days let alone be heard
Just a few words: Is the most that we get from our bosses — "restructuring, redeploying, de-cruiting, de-cruiting". And its not just discourse
Just a few words: Because some days I bust my guts but nothing happens so I don't give a fuck. And no one gives a fuck about me
Just a few words: Because my manager has never said a kind word to me. But that's his job
Just a few words: Because I still try to enjoy my work and then they start again "Restructuring, redeploying, de-cruiting, de-cruiting". And it's not just discourse
Just a few words: Because a few years ago they were cutting at the fat now they are butchering the bone of ETSA Corporation, and its going to affect you
Just a few words: Because my workmates should be in the union. "Restructuring, redeploying, de-cruiting, de-cruiting". And it's not just discourse, it's a pain and a drain
Just a few words: Because our manager was a union man, thought he would manage for his workers, left the shopfloor found money, soon found himself working for the bosses
Just a few words: Because as a young worker, I see before me older workers and we ask the same questions
Just a few words: When we turn to the unions — the response is discourse, of course
Just a few words: we need to work together
Just a few words: We will let our actions speak
Just a few words: Because us youth are standing up
Just a few words: Because our future is within reach, but out of our control
Just a few words: Soon organised working together, we can grab it back!