Young people's refuge fights back
By Kim Spurway
SYDNEY — About 100 youth workers, residents and supporters rallied outside the Young People's Refuge, Marrickville, on November 11. They were supporting a management-worker decision to resist Department of Community Services demands.
The department wants the refuge to "restructure" to comply with current funding levels, or to vacate the premises.
The 24-hour crisis service for young women is threatened with closure because of a funding shortfall due to DCS refusal to cover costs arising from a new social workers' industrial award.
Other community services are also facing the problem that funding will run out early due to the new award. The YPR case could set a precedent for other institutions if the Greiner government is able to force it to close.
Refuge workers and their supporters are maintaining a 24-hour picket to prevent DCS from handing over the refuge to a non-government organisation, possibly a church or other charity, which would not pay award rates.
Other youth services are planning a joint campaign with YPR for the extra funding necessary to support award conditions. The federal government, which provides tied funding for such services, has indicated its support for the new award.
A letter is being circulated to local MPs, and a further letter is being sent to bodies such as the Sydney City Mission and St Vincent de Paul calling on them not to take over the refuge.
A fighting fund has been set up. Letters of support and donations may be sent to: YAA Service Crisis Fund, c/- 266 Livingstone Road, Marrickville NSW 2204.