Following a Dutch appeals court ruling to halt the export and transit of all F-35 parts to Israel within seven days, the Netherlands' government is taking the matter to the country’s Supreme Court, reports Binoy Kampmark.
A Dutch court has ordered the Netherlands' government to cease exporting F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel that are being used in the war in Gaza, reports Kerry Smith.
For Geert Wilders, the leader of Dutch far-right Freedom Party (PVV), years of patience paid off while the incumbent right-wing party gambled and lost in the country's recent elections, writes Alex De Jong.
In a historic verdict, the District Court of the Hague has ruled that fossil-fuel giant Shell must reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 45% within 10 years, writes Kerry Smith.
The Dutch election in mid-March was a shift to the right. One of the great mistakes of the Dutch left in the period leading up to this election was that, while it was already at an all-time low in the polls, it did not prioritise its own narrative, writes Alex De Jong.
BDS is a legitimate means to help Palestinians in their fight for justice.
The containment of Islamophobe Geert Wilders’ Party of Freedom (PVV) in the March 15 Dutch general election was greeted with relief by the mainstream European media.
Nonetheless, the election result primarily reflected a conservative and safety-seeking consolidation of the right and centre parties. It will result in a more right-wing cabinet than the previous “red-blue” coalition of the VVD and Labour Party (PdvA), and throw up big challenges for progressive politics in the Netherlands.

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