Andrew Woodhouse

Rock & Roll Harbour
Exhibition by The Shop Gallery
112 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
Thurs January 3 – Wed Jan 9

Peter Gow is the people’s artist.

His ouvre is driven by his down-to-earth, inner-city environment such as boathouses and the heritage-listed Sydney Harbour Bridge in various attitudes, all of which feature prominently in this exhibition.

Gow is a qualified electrician and builder as well, very handy for making the frames in his spare time that embrace his art.

Victorian police have been rocked by allegations of racism, physical abuse and harassment of young Africans in inner-urban Melbourne.
Thinking Outside The Square: A Retrospective (Photographs 1972-2010) By Elaine Pelot-Syron South Sydney Uniting Church 56a Raglan Street Waterloo March 14 until May 20 Tues-Thu, 4.30-6pm; Sun, 9am-noon
I’m not racist but…
Arc One Gallery
45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
until May 1
Sex sells. So this year’s Mardi Gras flaunted itself. Its cod-piece was the python-esque parade snaking up Oxford Street, a ribald, risque body of bodies-politic. Marchers fed off a frenzied live street audience of more than 100,000 with even more watching on TV. It’s a show with a capital S, buoying pink-dollar tourism and state coffers by $30 million.
Spencer Tunick’s all-nude art makes us rethink things.
Mamdouh Habib is joyous. The Australian citizen whose life was taken away from him by torture, harassment and abuse both here and overseas since being captured by US forces in 2001, has received acknowledgment his case can proceed.
SYDNEY — Two thousand people successfully reclaimed local lanes in Newtown, Sydney, on February 13. “A city is its people”, they publicly proclaimed. We want “living lanes” said spokesperson David Bentley.
“The law is an ass”, said Mr Bumble, in Charles Dickens’ classic, Oliver Twist. And more than 150 people agreed as they rallied yesterday on the same site, six years to the day, where 17-year old Aboriginal boy, TJ Hickey, was impaled on fence in Waterloo.
In a hot, leaky, corrugated tin shed behind Redfern’s disused railway yards lie the embers of a smouldering story of injustice. As an Aboriginal artist, 69 year-old Gordon Syron knows about injustice. He's seen systemic apartheid, legal bias and abuse of Aboriginal people all his life.