Ben Radford

book cover and Amazon rainforest

Ben Radford reviews the memoir of Waraoni climate activist Nemonte Nenquimo, who defends the Amazon and the indigenous peoples of eastern Ecuador against the power of big oil.

oil washed up on a beach in Peru

A substantial oil spill affecting Peru’s north coast has drawn attention to the country’s largely unregulated and destructive oil industry, reports Ben Radford.

Isaac Nellist spoke with Green Left's Latin American correspondent Ben Radford about various grassroots struggles against mining and climate destruction, for workers' rights and access to education.

protesters with signs

Thousands protested across Peru against rising violence against women, police culpability and government inaction, reports Ben Radford. The marches were organised as part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is marked on November 25.

Protesters with banner and signs

Despite COP29 overrunning by 33 hours to finalise negotiations, the United Nations Conference of Parties on climate change ended without any agreements to meaningfully confront the climate crisis, reports Ben Radford.

Satellite image of Typhoon Carina (Gaemi) before it made landfall over Taiwan

A new report argues that progressively taxing the world’s seven biggest oil and gas companies would raise significant funds to pay for the losses and damages caused by climate disasters, reports Ben Radford.

Protesting during Peru's national strike

About 1 million workers across Peru went on strike to demand that the government act against rising violence and extortion at the hands of organised criminal groups, reports Ben Radford.

protesting the Ibero American Summit in Cuenca

Several hundred people marched through the southern Ecuadorean city of Cuenca to protest the Ibero-American Summit, reports Ben Radford.

electric cars in traffic

While electric cars are often touted as the future of transport and a crucial part of the effort to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions, in reality they are not a meaningful solution, argues Ben Radford.

billboard in Cuba says "My country: Better without the blockade"

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution calling on the United States to end its 62-year blockade of Cuba. Out of the 193 member countries, only Israel and the US voted against the resolution, with Moldova abstaining, reports Ben Radford.


Nicolas Calabrese, coordinator of the Emancipa Popular Education Movement in Brazil spoke to Green Left’s Ben Radford about the struggle for the right to university education in Brazil.

protesters with banner

Thousands of workers went on strike across Peru, followed by nationwide protests, to demand that Congress repeal laws that favour organised crime and criminalise the right to protest, and call on the government to take action against worsening extortion and violence, reports Ben Radford.