The Australian Conservation Foundation welcomes the decision to listen to Traditional Owners and withdraw from a plan to establish a radioactive waste facility on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula. Dave Sweeney reports.
Dave Sweeney
More than $120 billion has already been spent stabilising the stricken Fukushima site, and the crisis continues. Dave Sweeney and Sue Wareham report.
Ukraine has an aging fleet of 15 reactors — two-thirds of which have now exceeded, or are at, their design life use-by date. This is fuelling concern in the current war, writes Dave Sweeney.
Resources minister Matt Canavan jetted off to India last month to continuing the unedifying Australian government tradition of flogging the nation’s dirtiest minerals to the places that least need them, documents obtained by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) have revealed.
The following is abridged from a talk presented to the Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) symposium in Melbourne, September 15-16.