David Shoebridge

Suzanne James and David Shoebridge discuss the Australian Greens latest initiative to progress the legalisation of recreational cannabis.

Suzanne James talks to NSW Greens Senator and defence spokesperson David Shoebridge about Australia’ unconscionable arming of Israel as it commits genocide in Gaza.

Suzanne James speaks with Greens Senator David Shoebridge about war crimes, whistleblowers and weed.

This video by Alex Bainbridge is from the "AUKUS: What does it mean for Australia and the Asia Pacific?" panel at the Calling for a Peaceful Pacific conference organised by the Independent and Peace Australia Network.

David Shoebridge talks about a federal ICAC, the Restoration of Territory Rights Bill, the failure to implement the findings of the Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody and the challenges of work-life balance.

Greens Senator David Shoebridge and Socialist Alliance member William Briggs discuss Australia’s “defence” on the Green Left Show.

Suzanne James spoke to NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge about what can be achieved if progressives hold the balance of power in state or federal parliaments. 

Meraj Khan and David Shoebridge discuss vaccine nationalism and the ban on travel from India into Australia.

Much of the public debate on the Senate “blocking supply” suggests that it is an all or nothing tactic. However this is not the case. The Senate can carefully cherry-pick the elements in the budget that it demands be amended and force the Abbott government to either accept those amendments or see its budget fail. This is a short explanation of the Senate’s powers and its ability to force a budget debate on its terms with the government-dominated House of Representatives. THE BILLS The Federal budget contains two main pieces of legislation:

Below is an abridged version of a speech by NSW Greens MLC David Shoebridge in Sydney on April 10. The action was part of an international weekend of solidarity calling for an end to the persecution of alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. **** First, I'd like to acknowledge that this is Aboriginal land that we are standing on. It always has been, always will be Aboriginal land. And in fact sovereignty has never been ceded over this land that we are standing on here today.