Kamala Emanuel

Speakers at pro-Palestine rallies around the country, on Nakba Day (“Catastrophe” in Arabic) and the weekend, congratulated students for standing with Palestine against genocide.

No pride in genocide, Burleigh Heads, March 16

Pro-Palestine protests on the weekend of March 16-17 were the 23rd continuous week of mobilisations against Australia's complicity in Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Protesters stood with the women of Gaza

In the wake of International Women's Day, thousands of pro-Palestine protesters across the country pointed out that supporting Palestine is a feminist issue.

Marching for Palestine, March 9

In a moving display of anti-colonial solidarity, protesters carried more than 100 Palestinian flags from Reddacliff Place over the Victoria Bridge. Kamala Emanuel reports.

'One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice'

Stella Assange told protesters outside the Royal Courts of Justice that the case against Julian Assange is about the public's right to know about what governments do in their name. Alex Bainbridge and Kamala Emanuel report.

Stella Assange spoke outside the Royal Courts of Justice on February 20, while Julian Assange's defence presents an appeal against his unfair extradition to the United States for exposing government crimes.

United States-based, folk-punk singer songwriter David Rovics played in concert with Kamala Emanuel in Brisbane as part of the recent Killing the Messenger tour of Australia.

Inspiring socialist, feminist, lesbian, left-wing protest singer Grace Petrie spoke with Kamala Emanuel about music and politics.

Free Julian Assange

Kamala Emanuel reviews Nils Melzer's highly readable book, which offers a wealth of information on the ongoing persecution and torture of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

The right to decide whether or not to have children is fundamental. Kamala Emanuel argues that those who say they want to ban abortion out of concern for women are having themselves on.

Socialist Alliance candidate Kamala Emanuel spoke to Alex Bainbridge about what is motivating her to run in the federal election.

There are a whole lot of things that can be done to ease the cost of living pressures on households, argues Kamala Emanuel. It is a complete con to think that all we can possibly hope for is a tiny little one-off bonus.