Mary Merkenich

Cock fighting and dog fighting were regarded as legitimate sports, but are now rightly seen as cruel and barbaric. Horse racing should also be banned, argues Mary Merkenich.

For weary parents and restless students, the staged return to school in Melbourne is a welcome relief. But teachers, such as Daryl Croke, Mary Merkenich, Beth Muldoon and Carlene Wilson are warning about the risk of COVID-19 transmission in densely-packed classrooms.

The devastating ecological impact of Melbourne's North East Link tollway project should force its rethink, writes Mary Merkenich.

The Sustainable Cities community group is calling on the Victorian government to reallocate $16 billion to much needed public transport in the north eastern corridor, writes Mary Merkenich.

Mary Merkenich argues Labor leader Anthony Albanese speech to the national press club was never going to be about a transformative plan to cut emissions.

After having said it would not agree to any exemption on its ban on live sheep exports, the federal Department of Agriculture has now allowed a ship to transport tens of thousands of live sheep to the Middle East, reports Mary Merkenich.

PM Scott Morrison wants unions and employers “to put down their weapons”, claiming this is the way jobs will be created. However, history shows otherwise, writes Mary Merkenich.

The federal government is exerting a lot of pressure on states to reopen schools. But what is the reality on the ground for school teachers working in the midst of a pandemic? This episode of Green Left features a roundtable discussion with school teachers Mary Merkenich, David Linden and Vivian Messimeris.

The federal Coalition government is exerting a lot of pressure on states to make schools re-open. But it should only happen if schools are safe for teachers and students, argue Mary Merkenich, David Linden and Vivian Messimeris.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is trying to undermine state premiers and teachers and pit parents against teachers during the COVID-19 lockdown, write Mary Merkenich and David Linden.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone, some groups are more at risk than others and face greater stigmatisation, writes Mary Merkenich.

Debate over whether schools should be shut down to stop the spread of COVID-19 have focused on many aspects, but not enough on those who are the most likely to be exposed. Teachers union activist Mary Merkenich puts the case to close schools immediately.