Rachel Evans

Streets that bustled only two weeks ago are eerily quiet.
On March 3, thousands rallied outside the headquarters of the Association of Mexican Banks (AMB), in the centre of Mexico City, to denounce speculation, bank fees and the national government´s response to the economic crisis.
On 15th December Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced a criminally paltry 5% carbon emission target to the National Press Club. Three female protestors in the audience yelled “shame” and were wrestled away by security.
On December 13 hundreds of people rallied in all Australian capital cities to protest against the federal Labor government’s plan to censor the internet.
Beats are a toilet or park where men gather to have consensual, casual sex.
While celebrations over Barack Obama’s victory in the presidential elections dominated US streets, gay rights supporters rallied against the banning of same-sex marriage in California.
To background chants of “The pope is wrong, put a condom on!”, protesters crept past the police lines and handed out condoms to the young Catholics streaming into Sydney’s Randwick Racecourse for World Youth Day (WYD).
Pope Benedict XVI is coming to town. Sydney is once again to be subject to a special police regime as this saintly, celibate white man bravely preaches the joys of sexual abstinence in the very Circus Maximus of Sin City (Randwick race course).
A Chinese man, Pang Pang, was deported back to Tian Jing province last week from Sydney’s Villawood detention centre. After he had been placed into State 1 at Villawood — the immigration prison’s maximum security area — he had asked to see his case officer. No-one came to see him for two weeks, and he was subsequently deported.
The Rudd government has been rejecting asylum seeker claims at an extraordinary rate. A report by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), released on May 4, revealed that out of 42 ministerial decisions over five weeks, 41 appeals had been rejected — a 97.6% rejection rate.
On April 28, Labor PM Kevin Rudd’s government began to deport asylum seekers, beginning with a Chinese woman. The next day, two Indian men were placed in stage 1 of the Villawood immigration detention centre for preparation for deportation. One of the men has been held in detention for six years. He was also among the 61 long-term detainees whose cases Labor immigration minister Chris Evans had promised to review by the end of April.
On April 28, Labor PM Kevin Rudd’s government began to deport asylum seekers, beginning with a Chinese woman. The next day, two Indian men were placed in stage 1 of the Villawood immigration detention centre for preparation for deportation.