Two introductions
By Brandon Astor Jones
First, let me introduce myself. I am a 50-
year-old father of four. It is a privilege for me to be permitted to share my personal, social and political views with Green Left readers. As an
Namibian elections seen as warning for South Africa
By Melanie Sjoberg
The experiences of the elections in Namibia provide important lessons for the upcoming process in South Africa, Joe Kapaanda told an Adelaide Politics in the Pub
SA public sector plans campaign
By Trish Corcoran
and Melanie Sjoberg
ADELAIDE — a mass meeting in the Festival Theatre on May 12 was the first major response by the unions to recent attacks from the state government.
Last year VICKI MASON was the WA winner of the World Vision Study Tour competition. A 16-year-
old, year 11 student, she travelled to Zimbabwe and witnessed the devastating toll a three-year drought has had.
On our first day we visited
By Gyorgy Scrinis
In his article on Macedonia in GLW, May 5, Michael Karadjis again fails to engage with the way various nationalisms have been constructed in the Balkans in modern times. He seems unwilling to deal with the question of
By Irina Glushchenko
MOSCOW — Some day an accounting will be made of the economic damage which Yeltsin's reforms have dealt our country. Even now, people have begun to speak about the moral losses. The group that has suffered most is
Anti-vivisection rally
By Jennifer Duncan
ADELAIDE — A rally here on May 15 marked Australian week for animals in laboratories.
The Anti-vivisection Union, the South Australian Federation of Animal Societies and members of the
Assistance for Cuba
A group of US citizens is organising medical assistance for Cuba, despite such actions being outlawed under the Torricelli Act, passed last year.
The English-language Cuban paper Granma International reported in its
South African link in Belfast murders
By Denis Kevans
Alex Lundy, ex-prisoner and Sinn Fein activist, was shot dead outside the Andersonstown house of Sinn Fein councillor Alex Maskey two weeks ago.
His death bought to 13 the number
Brazilian environmentalists assassinated
Two prominent environmentalists in Brazil have been murdered within a few days of each other.
Paulo Cesar Vinha, 37, biologist and long-time activist of the Brazilian environmental movement, was
198 Farmers arrested in North Sumatra
The Indonesian Legal Aid Institute (YLBHI) in Jakarta has demanded the release of unjustly arrested farmers in a plantation area in North Sumatra and the withdrawal of all troops stationed in the
Written and Directed by Cameron Crowe
Starring Bridget Fonda, Campbell Scott, Kyra Sedgewick and Matt Dillon
Music by Paul Westerburg
Reviewed by Karen Fredericks
Once, in a street in inner-city Melbourne, my eye was caught
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