Twist Produced and directed by Ron Mann With Hank Ballard, Chubby Checker, Joey Dee, Mama Lu Parks and the Parkettes, Dee Dee Sharp Shown at the Melbourne International Film Festival Reviewed by Bronwen Beechey Ron Mann's last film,
By Sean Malloy Just a year ago, on July 22, the federal government convened the Youth Jobs Summit. Media hype around the summit sought to create the impression that its aim was to create jobs, particularly for young people. However, the real
By Peter Boyle Prime Minister Paul Keating on July 22 announced major backtracking on the income tax cuts promised in his 1992 One Nation statement. The changes had been prepared over the preceding period by a series of "leaks" to the effect
By Max Lane Indonesian President Suharto's right-hand man in Cabinet, research and technology minister Habibie, is continuing a public flirtation with the leaders of the long-time anti-Suharto opposition group, the Petition of 50. The
By Jim Piotroski SYDNEY — Just over one year ago, two parks at the corner of Albert St and Erskineville Road were put up for sale. Local residents have campaigned to save them ever since. The Roads and Traffic Authority purchased the
Rolling Back the State By Jane Kelsey New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books. 1993. Reviewed by Noel Hester Just prior to the March federal elections, the Sydney Morning Herald ran a story on its front page titled "Kiwis Love GST". This
NZ military exercise in Fiji The New Zealand army and air force are taking part in tropical training exercises in Fiji for the first time since the 1987 coups. New Zealand military aid programs, navy visits and maritime surveillance
By Lara Pullin Miguel Marmol, known to his people and comrades as "the living legend", and to his enemies as "the red phantom", died of natural causes on June 24 in San Salvador at the age of 75. A dinner and video showing is being held in
US top arms trader By Wendy Robertson The United States remained the biggest arms supplier to the third world in 1992, increasing its share of the market to 56.8% from 48.9% in 1991, according to a US Congressional study. The study,
By Jenny Long The combined effect of the dislocation of Palestinians from their land and competition from Israeli mass production agriculture has all but destroyed the Palestinian farming industry and driven Palestinian male unemployment to
Victorian police face murder charges By Alex Cooper MELBOURNE — Years of campaigning by the families of two of the 11 men shot by police between 1987 and 1989 have been partially successful. The director of public prosecutions, Bernard
Franco between two stools Franco: Behind the Myth SBS Television Friday, August 6, 8.30 p.m. (8 p.m. Adelaide) Reviewed by Richard Ingram What myth? I'm guessing here, but if you asked people at random on the street, "What do you